Sybase Ad-hoc updates to system catalogs not enabled

I have received this when tried to bcp in of the system table ‘sysusers’ in Sybase.

Server Message: LOCALHOST - Msg 10321, Level 14, State 1: Ad-hoc updates to system catalogs not enabled. A user with System Security Officer (SSO) role must reconfigure system to allow this. CTLIB Message: - L1/O3/S0/N14/0/0: blk_init(): blk layer: CT library error: Failed when CT_Lib routine ct_results() called. blk_init failed. bcp copy in failed

This occurs when you try to directly modify an Adaptive Server system table without first using sp_configure to set the allow updates configuration parameter.

Solution: Continue reading Sybase Ad-hoc updates to system catalogs not enabled

Sybase database refresh step by step

In this article, we are going to see step by step procedure of Sybase database refresh.

Steps to perform refresh:

1. Prerequisites.
2. Backup and SCP
3. Load
4. Verification

Source Information:

Source Database Servername: LOCALHOST(Sybase server name)
Source Database name: r2schools

Target Information:

Tartget Database Servername: DEV01(Sybase server name)
Target Database name: r2dev
Continue reading Sybase database refresh step by step

PuTTY Fatal Error Network error: Connection timed out

I have faced the issue when connecting to CentOS Server or Ubuntu Server using putty thrown error “PuTTY Fatal Error:Network error: Connection timed out” on Ubuntu and CentOS which are virtual machines installed on VMWare.

PuTTY Fatal Error Network error: Connection timed out

Solution PuTTY Fatal Error Network error: Connection timed out on Ubuntu:
Continue reading PuTTY Fatal Error Network error: Connection timed out

ERROR 1698 (28000): Access denied for user root

This problem occurs from the mysql versions 5.7.+ on wards.
ERROR 1698 (28000): Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’.

1. It is because MySql 5.7 by default allow to connect with socket, which means you just connect with sudo mysql

use mysql;

2. Run the following select statement:

SELECT user,authentication_string,plugin,host FROM mysql.user;

Continue reading ERROR 1698 (28000): Access denied for user root

How to install MySQL on Ubuntu

In this article, we have explained how to install MySQL on Ubuntu Server. This article contains 4 steps.

Install MySQL on Ubuntu:

1. Must have internet conneciton.
2. Make sure you are logged in as a user with sudo privileges

1. Update Index Package:

sudo apt-get update

Continue reading How to install MySQL on Ubuntu

Show all permission for a table to user in Sybase

In this article, we are going to get list of permissions granted to the user on a table in Sybase. We can get permissions on a table to user by using the stored procedure sp_helprotect.


sp_helprotect table_name, user_name

Continue reading Show all permission for a table to user in Sybase

How to check blocking Sybase

In this article, we have divided into 5 steps:

1. Blocking Definition
2. Query to check blocking in Sybase
3. Get the showplan(query plan) in Sybase
4. Get the SQLText of Sybase process ID.
5. How to kill the Sybase process id which is causing blocking.

1. Blocking Definition:

“Blocking” means that one connection is holding a lock on a resource when another connection wants to read or write to it.
Continue reading How to check blocking Sybase