How to download and install XAMPP on Ubuntu 22.04

In this article, we will see how to download and install XAMPP on Ubuntu 22.04 step by step. The process same for all Ubuntu versions.

What os XAMPP?
XAMPP is a completely free, easy to install Apache distribution containing MariaDB, PHP, and Perl. The XAMPP open source package has been set up to be incredibly easy to install and to use.

Download XAMPP for Ubuntu 22.04

1. Go to the download link or open the below link:

2. Click on the Download At the time of writing this article, XAMPP latest version is 8.2.0.

How to download and install XAMPP on Ubuntu 22.04

3. Once we click on Download, New tab opens and download starts automatically.

Install XAMPP on Ubuntu 22.04

1. Go to downloads directory on Ubuntu 22.04.

cd Downloads/

2. Modify the permissison for XAMPP installer run file by using the below command.

chmod 755

3. Then run the installer with sudo command.

sudo ./

4. Click on Forward(Next).

5. Keep both checkboxes as it is and click on Forward(Next).

6. Click on Forward(Next).

7. Click on Forward(Next) to start the XAMPP installation.

8. Keept Checkbox infront of Launch XAMPP and click on Finish.

Run php program using xampp on Ubuntu 22.04

1. Now open any browser and run http://localhost:80/ and hit enter. Then, you will receive output like below.

2. Now, from the terminal go to /opt/lampp/htdocs.

cd opt/lampp/htdocs/

3. Create a php file using touch/cat/vim…

4. Enter the following code in the php file(any valid php code) and save the file.

5. http://localhost:80/helloworld.php and hit enter. Then, you will receive output like below.

So in this articl, we have seen How to download and install XAMPP on Ubuntu 22.04 and configure xampp on Ubuntu 22.04 and ran the sample php program.

For the same xampp installation on Ubuntu 22.04, please watch below video:

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