How to install and configure Jenkins on RHEL Redhat 9

In this article, we will see how to install and configure Jenkins on RHEL or Redhat 9 step by step.

Install and configure Jenkins on Redhat Linux

1. To use the respository, first run the below commands:

sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo

sudo rpm --import

How to install and configure Jenkins on RHEL Redhat 9

2. Now install open jdk 11 by running below command.

sudo yum install fontconfig java-11-openjdk

3. Now install Jenking on Redhat Linux using below command:

sudo yum install jenkins

Jenkins Configuration on Linux:

1. Now, Start Jenkins Server on Redhat using below command:

sudo systemctl start jenkins

2. Now enable Jenkins to start automatically when Linux machines restarts.

sudo systemctl start jenkins

3. Now, open browser and run locahost:8080 and hit enter

4. Now, we have to provide the administrator password. We can the administrator password opening the file.

sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword

5. Now, select the install suggested plugins.

6. Provide name and password for First Admin User for Jenkins and click on Save and Finish.

We have successfully installed and configured Jenkins on Redhat Enterprise Linux.

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